Reminder: Pearson VUE Facemask/Local Policies

The following policy is currently in effect at all Pearson VUE testing locations:


  • Face masks are required in test centers in counties with a “high” COVID-19 community level as provided by the CDC. Candidates who do not comply may forfeit their ability to take current and future exams. Refunds will not be issued to candidates who do not comply. If a candidate is unable to wear a mask due to a documented disability, the candidate should apply for ADA accommodations (see page 32).

Check the face mask requirements at your test center 

  • In areas where local requirements do not mandate the wearing of masks, they are still recommended in test centers. Additionally, any unvaccinated candidates must still wear masks and maintain six feet of physical distance while in a PPC.
  • A surgical or cloth face mask is acceptable as long as your nose and mouth are fully covered. Face masks with exhalation valves and face shields are not acceptable. Please refer to the CDCWHO, or your local health organization for best practices on choosing effective face masks.

Please note, in addition to Pearson VUE’s facemask policy, candidates are expected to adhere to any local policies and/or mandates that may be in place. Please visit Pearson VUE’s COVID-19 update page for the latest policies and updates.


Please be aware of additional local policies that may affect your Pearson VUE testing location:

  • If a candidate does not follow the policies and/or mandates of local testing centers, the candidate will be denied testing services and treated as absent.

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