122nd Annual Meeting
February 24-26, 2026
Louisville, Kentucky

Hotel: The Seelbach Hilton

Meeting Dates: February 24-26, 2026

Room Rate: $209

Please click the dropdowns below to expand each section to review the available documents and links under each category.

Registration Deadline: February 9, 2026

Please note: registrations received after 2/9/2026 will be subject to a $100 late registration fee.

The Seelbach Hilton

Room Reservations
ICFSEB Group Room Rate: $209/night
Call to book your room with the ICFSEB Group Room Rate at 1-800-333-3200!
If you are the recipient of a delegate grant, The Conference will take care of making your room reservation for you.

Hotel Address: 500 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40202

Each year, The International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards hosts an Annual Meeting in which regulators, educators, and other funeral service professionals from the United States and Canada come together to learn from experts in the regulatory community, share best practices, and collect strategies for improving regulatory systems.

The Conference understands and is mindful that within regulatory organizations, every expense and funding decision is an important one. In an effort to assist members in attending the meeting, The Conference Annual Meeting Justification Toolkit was developed. This multi-layered kit includes customizable documents and information to help demonstrate to boards and internal leadership the significant value your participation at the meeting will bring to your organization.

If you have any questions or if there is anything we can assist with, please let us know! Thank you for your interest in attending the Annual Meeting and participating in the important conversations that take place there. We hope to see you in February!

Please click here to view the Justification Toolkit!

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