We are happy to announce an upcoming review of The Conference Model Practice Act. At this time, we would like to invite our funeral service stakeholders to please share comments on the current publication. We welcome and appreciate any feedback, so please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us!
The Model Practice Act was developed as a guideline to the legislature, regulatory officials, and members of the profession seeking to adopt or amend the laws and rules governing funeral service. The purpose of the Model Practice Act is to facilitate the protection of the public by providing legal mechanisms that establish and provide for the enforcement of uniform standards. The provisions and language contained represent accepted standards, practices and terms, as well as the collective wisdom of the funeral service regulatory community.
You can find the current version to review here: Conference Model Practice Act
We look forward to hearing from you before the open comment period closes on Monday, June 24th. Please submit comments via email to allie@theconferenceonline.org.
We sincerely appreciate your contribution to this review process!
We’ve put together a helpful guide to help you find the exam that’s right for you.
@2021 The International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards